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During these times of serious examination of social justice and equlity, the Law school worked with our family to revise the original prize fund in memory of our son Reggie to become the Reginald B. Stewart Scholarship Fund at The School of Law at Boston University. The recipients will be second-year students at Boston University School of Law with a GPA of at least 3.0, who demonstrate financial need, and is active and/or an emerging leader at the Law School as seen through their participation in student groups such as the Student Government Association or the Black Law Student Association.


Their actions shall reflect a commitment to their education and compassion for fellow students and shall reflect the values of Reginald B. Stewart. The recipient will be chosen by the Dean of the School of Law or his or her designee.  




To our family, this scholarship fund serves the dual purpose of a shared legacy for Reggie and his Grandmother, Elizabeth Stewart Gwinn, who was an elementary school teacher for 29 years. Supporting the Scholarship fund ensures that their legacy of humanity, fairness, and caring for others remains strong.




Donations can be made in two ways:

Online via credit card by visiting, selecting a fund, choosing “Other”, and then writing the “Reginald Stewart Scholarship.” 


You can also make gifts by check made out to “Trustees of Boston University” with “Reginald B Stewart Scholarship” in the memo line or an accompanying note sent to:


Office of Gifts and Records

Boston University

595 Commonwealth Ave, 7th Floor

West Entrance

Boston, MA 02215


The fund also accepts additional gifts like a stock donation. If you are interested in knowing more about this option, the Office of Gifts and Record will provide additional details. 

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Andrea Nelson - A voice for good, We miss our daughter

Our family also recognizes the loss of our son's thoughtful and loving companion and fiance, BU Law graduate Andrea Nelson. Our continued thoughts of comfort and prayer to her mother Delores and her sister Connie.


Copyright 2025

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